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Sletten sings!

Are you in?

Elin og Kristine


When people sing together, something magical happens! No voices are the same, but all are equally important. If you live in Sletten, we invite you to sing with us – whether you love singing or think you can’t.

We, Elin and Kristine, are music enthusiasts from the neighborhood, setting up with a piano, songbooks, and plenty of singing joy! Do you have a favorite song? Want to try harmonizing? Or just hum along?

Who can join?
Everyone! Whether you sing at the top of your lungs, softly in the corner, or just want to listen, you are more than welcome.

Project opening hours:
Monday: 15-17:30
Wednesday: 09-11
Thursday: 10-12
Friday: 15-17
Saturday: 12-14