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Other rooms

Works from art workshops held by Kode and Bergen sanitetsforening (2022-2024)

Et foto av svevende kulerunde papirobjekter i et rosa rom.


Where Lysverket

The exhibition "Other Rooms" showcases works from art workshops organized by Kode and Bergen Sanitetsforening / Women's Health Association.

In the exhibition, the social and material processes from the workshops are intertwined. The exhibition is displayed on the second floor of Lysverket.

In the "Other Rooms" project, an artist collective has worked to explore various aspects of artistic co-creation within a group with significant functional diversity.

The artist collective includes people with dementia, and the group has worked to let the artistic expression reflect the existential conditions and thoughts that can arise when one has a dementia diagnosis.

Both the process and the result take place in the exhibition space, inviting the audience to participate in co-creation in workshops.

The exhibition is on display on the second floor of Lysverket from June 1 to June 11, 2024.

In the workshops, the collective has focused on things that are usually overlooked or given little value. They have worked with seemingly fragile materials, such as withered plants and tissue paper, which have proven to be surprisingly strong and powerful when interacting together.

Everyday objects bearing traces of life and time have been transformed into something different and new.

Guiding Artists:

Solveig Sumire Sandvik
Petra Rahm
Eli Lea
Borghild Rudjord Unneland

Lighting Designer:

Randiane Aalberg Sandboe

Et nærbilde av mennesker som lager kunst i verkstedet, vi ser hendene som arbeider med pappmasje.

Together About It

The exhibition "Other Rooms" is part of the project "Together About It" (2020-2024), led by project manager Hanne Jones and academic director Eli Lea at the Bergen Women's Health Association.

The project is carried out in collaboration with Kode, VID Specialized University, the Dementia Competence Center, and the Unit for Activity and Mastery in Bergen Municipality.

The aim of the project is to establish innovative partnerships between actors in the cultural sector, health sector, and voluntary sector, practically exploring the potential of art to create new forms of community that can contribute to sustainable societal development (UN Sustainable Development Goal 17.17).

"Together About It" and "Other Rooms" are funded by the Norwegian Directorate of Health, the Kaare Berg Foundation, Vestland County Municipality, the Norwegian Cultural Council, Bergen Municipality, and the Ildsjelfondet.