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Christmas program at Kode

Permanenten med snø utenfor og lys på trærne

Permanenten. Foto: Sjur Pollen.

Kode invites you to activities for the whole family during the Christmas holiday!

Join in on festive activities such as Christmas workshops, tours at Stenersen, the Gingerbread City in Permantenten, and post-Christmas concerts at Troldhaugen and Siljustøl.

Christmas Concerts

Experience concerts at Troldhaugen during the Christmas holiday.

julepyntet stue i Edvard Griegs hjem Troldhaugen.
Portrett av en ung mann med mørkt hår
Portrett av en kvinne med langt mørkt hår

«Last Dance» in Tårnsalen

Have you not yet experienced the critically acclaimed exhibition by Børre Sæthre?

The Norwegian Art critic Mona Pahle Bjerke calls the exhibition a "grand finale". Experience "Last Dance" at Lysverket!

December is your last chance: The exhibition is open until December 31.

Les mer om utstillingen her.

Bilde fra ustilling. Folkemengde rundt treet

Foto: Dag Fosse / Kode

Daily guided tours

This fall's grand exhibition is The Square's Heart, and we offer guided tours of the exhibition during the Christmas holiday. Get to know some of the over 100 works from the unique art collection of the Norwegian art collector Erling Neby.

The guided tour is included in your admission ticket.

Les mer om omvisningene og åpningstidene her.

Et utstillingsrom med hvite vegger, med en rekke fargerike abstrakte malerier

Foto: Dag Fosse / Kode

Gingerbread City at Permanenten

This Christmas, the world's largest and most beautiful Gingerbread City takes over one of Bergen's oldest and most majestic museum buildings: Permanenten from 1896.

Read more about Pepperkakebyen at Kode

Bilde av pepperkakebyen som lyser opp i mørket

Se all activities in the calender

Christmas Holiday Opening Hours

24-26 December: Closed.

27-29 December: 11.00-16.00.

30 December: 11.00-17.00.

31 December and 1st January: Closed

24-26. desember: Stengt.

27-29. desember: kl. 11.00-16.00.

30. desember: kl. 11.00-17.00.

31. desember og 1. januar: Stengt.