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Diversity and inclusion

A group of people are sitting in front of a large painting. They are listening to a guide, talking about the painting.

Foto: Dag Fosse / Kode

Kode Open

Kode is striving to be accessible and open to a broad audience. Our diversity and inclusion initiatives are an important part of our social responsibility to promote life skills and mental health.

Kode Open is a collective term for our free offers to audience groups who for various reasons need customized visits. These groups include people who experience physical, psychological, language related, cultural, or financial barriers.

All Kode Open initiatives are free.


Start planning your visit now

Our programmes include

Two people are performing music inside an exhibition, in front of an audience.

Foto: Dag Fosse / Kode

Kode is striving to be accessible and open to a broad audience.
A group of young men are sitting by a large table. They are making drawings.

Foto: Dag Fosse / Kode

Creative workshops and gallery visits can be combined with socializing.
Two people are standing in front of a painting by Harriet Backer.

Foto: Dag Fosse / Kode

We hope to initiate fulfilling conversation about art and life.