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Meet the artists

Meet the artists: Annette Kierulf og Caroline Kierulf

Portrait photo of the two Kierulf-sisters.

Written by: Maria Tripodianos


Annette og Caroline Kierulf. Foto: Paul Johannessen.

Artists and sisters Annette Kierulf (b. 1964) and Caroline Kierulf (b. 1968) have played a major role in revitalizing printmaking in Norway.

In this short video you will meet the artists in their studios where they tell more about how they work and collaborate.

About the exhibition

The exhibition To Make a World has been conceived as a visual essay — a pictorial world — raising questions about generally held conceptions and topics of debate. 

Woodcuts constituted Europe’s first mass media used as a means to spread news, satire, and propaganda. The Kierulf sisters borrow from this unpretentious aspect, together with references to the medium’s diverse history as an art form. The artists themselves have called their practice “woodcut as cultural critique.”

The artist's work individually having settled with studios geographically apart: on the rural island of Radøy (Annette) and in the city of Bergen (Caroline). For the exhibition at Kode, they present individual works from their oeuvres sharing a feminist outlook.

Video by: Paul Johannessen

Producers: Maria Tripodianos and Anette Basso