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Our Partners

Permanenten avbildet når det er snø

Permanenten. Foto: Sjur Pollen.

Thanks to strong partners and supporters, Kode is able to preserve and share world-class art and music.

Together, we strengthen Kode’s position as a leading cultural institution in the Nordic region, offering a diverse exhibition program, vibrant music experiences, and innovative opportunities for everyone.

We extend our heartfelt thanks to our dedicated partners and supporters for their generous contributions.

Main partners

Logo Bahr advokatfirmaDe bergenske logoSparebankstiftelsen logo

We gratefully acknowledge the government institutions for their generous support

Bergen kommune logoVestlandske fylkeskommune logoKulturdepartementet logo

Our partners in projects, exhibitions, concerts, and education.

Logo bergensstiftelsenSPV logoSparebankstiftelsen SR-BankLogo Grieg FoundationLogo stiftelsen Kare BergHilmar rekstens allmennyttige fondLogo sletten senterStiftelsen Uni logoFana Sparebank logoSparebank 1 nord norge logoJotun logoMvest energy logo
Abraham Odfjells Stiftelse
H Westfal-Larsen og hustru Anna Westfal-Larsens Almennyttige F
Fritt ord logo

Kode is deeply grateful for our generous contributors, who make it possible to preserve, develop, and share world-class art and music.

Other important supporters:

Bettina Ford Jebsen and Hans Peter Jebsen
Ragnhild Willumsen Grieg and Per Grieg Jr
Mie Mortensen og Magnus Asp
Belinda Buck Kielland
Anonymous donors

Thank you so much for your support!